Breakthrough innovators in energy

Building new models that make the old obsolete

We firmly believe that energy is a universal right and should be accessible to everyone.

Our vision: renewable, affordable energy for every individual, empowering communities and fostering equity. 

We transform how we store, generate, and use energy

We integrate digital technology with physical infrastructure. This synergy enables more efficient energy management, from generation and storage to consumption. 

Local energy is the undeniable future: it's cheaper, better, and more reliable.

Embracing this new energy reality is not just a choice, but a necessity as we move towards a more sustainable and effective energy system. 

The Internet of Energy (IoE)

The IoE bridges digital and physical energy realities. It is designed to facilitate open peer-to-peer exchange of energy between users and their assets. This leads to a decentralized, self-regulating network where energy flows seamlessly. The IoE empowers individuals and communities to generate, store, and use renewable energy efficiently and locally, and leveraging interconnectedness towards a sustainable and resilient energy ecosystem. 

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